
Pergi ke gereja tidak membuat Anda menjadi orang Kristen.
Sama seperti masuk ke garasi tidak membuat Anda menjadi sebuah mobil.
Billy Sunday

Ukuran seseorang bukan apa yang dilakukannya di hari Minggu, tetapi siapa dan bagaimana dia dari hari Senin sampai Sabtu.
John L. Mason, An Enemy Called Average, 149.

Hanya ada tiga jenis orang: Mereka yang beribadah kepada Tuhan karena telah menemukan Dia; Orang-orang lain yang sibuk mencari Dia karena belum menemukan Dia; Sementara yang selebihnya hidup tanpa mencari Dia dan tanpa menemukan Dia. Yang pertama: berakal sehat dan bahagia; Yang terakhir: bodoh dan tidak bahagia; Yang di antara keduanya: tidak bahagia dan berakal sehat.
Blaise Pascal

Kehidupan tanpa ibadah seperti jalan panjang tanpa sebuah penginapan.
Democritus of Abdera

Worship means “to feel in the heart.”
A.W. Tozer

Worship is not a part of the Christian life; it is the Christian life.
Gerald Vann 

Worship is giving to God the best he has given us.
Oswald Chambers

Worship is a way of living, a way of seeing the world in the light of God to rise to a higher level of existence, to see the world from the point of view of God.
Abraham J. Heschel

Without the worship of the heart, liturgical prayer becomes formal routine.
Aelred Graham

We pay God honor and reverence, not for his sake (because he is of himself full of glory to which no creature can add anything), but for our own sake.
St. Thomas Aquinas

There may be worship without words!
James Russel Lowell

It is only when men begin to worship that they begin to grow.
Calvin Coolidge

If worship does not change us, it has not been worship. To stand before the Holy One of eternity is to change. Worship begins in holy expectancy; it ends in holy obedience.
Richard J. Foster

In worship we meet the power of God and stand in its strengthening.
Nels S. Ferre

It has been suggested that the mark on many church people today is not that they are “chosen” but that they are “frozen.”
Sumber gambar: Pixabay

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